HIST-1301 Flash Cards

These are the flash cards that I created for the midterm for HIST-1301

48 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

Cards In This Set

Front Back
The British commander who sent his troops to capture Patriot supplies in Concord in April 1775 was General
Thomas Gage
Under its policy of mercantilism, the British Monarchy
Gained power from increased import duties that added to the royal treasury
Prince Henry the Navigator of Portugal was noted for
Supervising voyages searching for a way around Africa to Asia
By the Treaty of Tordesillas (1494), Spain had authority to exploit all of
North and South America except Brazil
The Virginia colonist John Rolfe
Introduced tobacco production in the colony
Lord Baltimore, the proprietor of Maryland, established that colony as a haven for
Catholics, but ordered toleration for Protestants
Bacon's Rebellion
Showed how dissastisfied the western settlers of Virginia had become with the emerging planter-merchant elite
When they settled in the New World, the Puritans
Pictured themselves as a select few chose by God to preserve true Christianity in America
New York was an English Colony because the English
Captured the area from the Dutch
The "headright" was commonly used in the southern colonies and some of the middle colonies to
Award tracts of land to new arrivals in the colonies
______ servants agreed to work for a stated period in return for their transportation to America
The great staple of the Viriginia colonial economy
Bacon's Rebellion occured in
James Oglethorpe
The leader of the group of philantropists who founded Georgia
The British government's primary concern in establishing Georgia was
Placing a buffer between South Carolina and Spanish Florida