History 101 Exam 2

American Hist ory up t

60 cards   |   Total Attempts: 183

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George Washington
In 1793, the British and French were at war, Washington chose to keep America neutral in the conflict even though France and the United States had signed a treaty of alliance. A year later, the Whishley rebellion erupted in PA, and Washington sent militiamen to supress the rebels. After two terms in office Washinton chose to step down; and the power of the presidency was peacefully passed to John Adams
John Adams
As the second president, he passed the Alien and Sedition Acts and endured a stormy relationship with France, which includeed the XYZ affair
Articles of Confederation
An agreement among the 13 founding states that legally established the United States as a confederation of soverign states and served as its first constitution and was drafted by the continental congress
Land Ordinance of 1785
Adopted by the United states congress under the articles of confederation Under the Articles of Confederation, Congress did not have the power to raise revenue by direct taxation of the inhabitants of the United States. Therefore, the immediate goal of the ordinance was to raise money through the sale of land in the largely unmapped territory west of the original states acquired at the 1783 (Treaty of Paris) after the end of the Revolutionary War.
Northwest ordinance/ territories
Was an act of the Congress of the Confederation of the United States, passed July 13, 1787. The primary effect of the ordinance was the creation of the Northwest Territory as the first organized territory of the United States out of the region south of the Great Lakes, north and west of the Ohio River, and east of the Mississippi River.
Shays Rebellion
Massachussets farmer daniel shays and 1200 compatriots, seeking debt relief through issuance of paper currency and lower taxes stormed the federal arsenal at Sringdale in the winter of 1787 but were quickly repulsed
United States Constitution
The first three Articles of this document establish the three branches of the national government: a legislature, the bicameral Congress; an executive branch led by the President; and a judicial branch headed by the Supreme Court. They also specify the powers and duties of each branch. All unenumerated powers are reserved to the respective states and the people, thereby establishing the federal system of government. This document was adopted on September 17, 1787, by the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and ratified by conventions in each U.S. state It has been amended twenty-seven times; the first ten amendments are known as the Bill of Rights
Virginia Plan
The delegations to the Constitutional Convention were divided into two plans on how to structure the government: Virginia called for a strong central government and a two -house legislature apportioned by population
New Jersey Plan
The delegations to the Constitution Convention were divided between two plans on how to structure the governent: this plan called for one legislative body with equal representation for each state
Bill of Rights
First ten ammendments to the constitution, adopted in 1791 to guarantee individual rights and to help secure ratification of the Constitution by the states
3/5 Comprimise
A compromise between Southern and Northern states reached during the Philadelphia Convention of 1787 in which three-fifths of the enumerated population of slaves would be counted for representation purposes regarding both the distribution of taxes and the apportionment of the members of the United States House of Representatives. It was proposed by delegates James Wilson and Roger Sherman.
Seperation of Powers
The powers of government are split between three seperate branches (executive, legislative, judicial) who check and balance each other
Checks and Balances
To prevent one branch from becoming supreme, the origin of which, is specifically credited to Montesquieu. Checks and balances allow for a system based regulation that allows one branch to limit another, such as the power of Congress to alter the composition and jurisdiction of the federal courts.
Is a principal's approval of an act of its agent where the agent lacked authority to legally bind the principal. The term applies to private contract law, international treaties, and constitutionals in federations such as the United States and Canada.
Alexander Hamilton
His beleif in a strong federal government led him to become a contributor to The Federalist and the leader of the Federalists. As the first secratary of the treasury, he laid the foundation for American capitalism through his creation of a federal budget, funded debt, a federal tax system, a national bank, a customs service, and a coast guard. His "Reports on Public Credits" and 'Reports on Manufacturers" outlined visions for economic development and government finances in america. He died in a duel agaisnt Aaron Burr