History 101 Exam 3


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Putting the country back together after the Civil War. The south: the liberation of slaves, the destruction of property, and the free fall in land values left many planters destitute and homeless The north: government both federal and state grew more friendly to business leaders and more unffriendly to those who would probe into their activities
Northern emmigrant who participated in the Republican governments of the reconstructed south
White southern Republicans -some former Unionists- who served in Reconstruction governments
Andrew Johnson
As President Abraham Lincolns vice president, he was elevated to the presidency after Lincoln was assassanated. In order to restore the Union after the Civil War, he issued an amnesty proclamation and required former Confederate states to ratify the Thirteenth Ammendment. He fought Radical Republicans in Congress over whether he or Congress had the authority to restore states rights to the former Confederate states. This fight weakened both his political and public supoprt.
Ku Klux Klan
Organized in pulaski Tennessee, in 1866 to terrorrize former slaves who voted and help political offices during reconstruction
John Wilkes Booth
Assassinated President Lincoln at Fords Theatre on April 14, 1865. He was pursued to Virginia and killed.
Black codes
Laws passed in southern states to restrict the rights of former slaves; to combat the codes Congress passed the civil rights act of 1866 and the 14th amendmnet to set up military governments on southern states that refused to ratify the ammendment
Civil Rights Act of 1866
A direct response to the black codes created by unrepentant state legislatures in the south. It declared that all persons in the US were citizens entitles to full and equal benefits of all laws. The granting of citizenship to native born blacks exceeded the scope of federal power johnson claimed so he vetoed it, congress overturned the veto.
The 14th ammendment
Ratified in 1868 says that all persons born or naturalized in the US are citizens on the US. No state shall make laws which will abridge the privelagesor immunities of citizens of the US
The 13th ammendment
Neither slavery not involuntary servitude shall exist within the US---- 4 million "freedman" no money, land, or education. former confederate states were required to ratify this agreement before the could reenter the union
Freedmens Bureau
Reconstruction agency established in 1865 to protect the legal rights of former slaves and to assist with their education , jobs, health care, and landowning
The 15th Ammendment
This ammendmnets forbids states to deny any person the right to vote on grounds of race, color, and pervious condition or servitude. Former Confederate states were required to ratify this ammendment before they could be readmitted to the union.
Thaddeus Stevens
As one of the leaders of the Radical Republicans, he argued that the former Confederate states should be viewed as conquered provinces, whichwere subject to the demnads of conquerors. he believed that all southern society needed to be changed and he supported the abolition of slavery and racial equality
Comprimise of 1877
Deal made by a special congressional commision on March 2 1877 to resolve the disputed presidential election on 1876; Republican Rutherford B. hayes, who had lost the popular vote was declared winner in exchange in for the withdrawal of federal troops from the south, marking th eend of the Reconstuction
After the reconstruction, southerners were taking back southern society