History 1301 Final

Cilvil war pa rt of 13

54 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Front Back
Kansas-nebraska act
-stephan douglas -split territory in 2 -repeal missiouri comp -citizens dicide to permit slavery
Emancipation proclamation
Freed slaces in rebellion areas
Battle of alamo
-santa anna mexican leader raises army to quell revolt -all american s massacred -davy crocket-jim bowie
Treaty of guadalupe-hidalgo
Ends mexican us was -annexed tx w rio grand as border -ceded new mexico and california -paid 15 mill to mexico
Lecompton constitution
-pro slave consitution of kansas -slave supporters after abolitonist boycotted elections
13th amendment
-abolished slavery in u.s
Wade-davis bill
-response to linolns 10% plan -50% males take oath -state abolish slavery -refused to sign bill-never became law
Cilvil rights bill
-granted blacks citizensship -state has power to restict property-testify in court-make contracts for labor
Fugitive slave act
-slave runaways not permitted jury trials -anyone obstuctions of fugitive slace reture face 1000 fine and 6mths jail
Compromise of 1877
-president election -republican rutherford b hayes -democrat samuel j tiden -tiden 184 electoral votes -1 short -hayes won -agreed to allow in exchange for removal of troops from sth -agreed to trancontinental railroad
14th amendment
-acknowledged state and federal citizenship -states can't diminish citizenship -state can't deprive life,liberty,property without due process -tenesee ratified
15th amendment
-no state can deny right to vote on account of race color or previous conditions
Johnsons plan for reconstuction
-held sth never left union -try to abolish 13th amendment
Linoclons 10% plan
-all sthners pardoned -high officals who left posts excluded from pardon -10% of voting pop had to take oath
Tenure of office act
-prohibited president form removing senate officals without consent of state -to stop johnson from fireing secretary of war. edwin m stanton-lincoln appointed -johnson dissmised act and stanton