History 1302 - Ex 3 - Ch 30

American History 1302 - Ex 3 - Ch 30

15 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Did Nixon do well in the first televised presidential debate in American history? Why or why not?
No. Nixon suffered more from unattractive image than what he said.
With regard to military spending, what did the Kennedy administration authorize?
Large increases in the defense budget.
What was the Bay of Pigs fiasco?
Kennedy wanted containment of communist Cuba. Cuban exiles "freedom fighters" invaded Bay of Pigs and were defeated.
What was the Cuban Missile Crisis? How did it end?
Nuclear weapons buildup by Soviets in Cuba. peacefully ended between JFK and Khruschev. Soviets would extract missles, US never invade Cuba.
Who were Lee Harvey Oswald and Jack Ruby?
Oswald - assassinated JFK in Dallas
Ruby - assassinated Oswald
Abraham Zapruder film
What did the 1964 Civil Rights Act do?
Illegalize segregation, lessons racial discrimination in employment, protected voting rights
What did the Voting Rights Act of 1965 do?
Outlawed discriminatory voting practices that had been responsible for the widespread disenfranchisement of African Americans in the United States
What did LBJ settle for with regard to health care?
Medicare and Medicaid
In the fall 1965 session Congress passed 89 bills that provided for money to go to what programs?
Created 2 new cabinet departments (Transportation, Housing and Urban Affairs); highway safety, ensure air and water; higher education, public housing, war on poverty
How did a full-scale American involvement in Vietnam begin in 1965?
Series of steps designed primarily to prevent a NV victory
What factors helped persuade American youth to create a “counterculture”?
Vietnam war. against middle class values, increase in college enrollment, against materialism of affluent society
What was the SDS, and how did it operate?
Students for a Democratic Society. wanted to rid Am poverty, racism, and violence. participatory democracy - personal control of one's life and destiny, not creation of new bureaucracies. seized 5 buildings at Columbia Univ. led to many more marches and sit-ins.
What book did Betty Friedan write and what did she call for?
The Feminine Mystique - freedom of choice to a career (instead of the homemaker) and sex outside of wedlock.
Gloria Steinem
bra-burnings etc.
What was the Tet Offensive, and what were the results of this action?
Vietcong attacked many of the populated cities and began siege of Am marine base at Khe Sanh. LBJ wanted peaceful ending to war. LBJ didn't run for the next presidential race.
What happened at the Democratic Convention in Chicago in 1968?
SDS and other protestors asked permit to protest in park. Mayor Charles Daley refuses. Protestors took to the streets. Daley gives cops "carte blanche" - can do whatever they want. beatings, German shepards, etc.