History 1302 - Exam 2 - Ch 24

American history 1302 - Exam 1 - Ch 24

37 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Why did the Lusitania sink so fast?
Book - boiler exploded
professor - 4.2 mil rds of rifle ammo
Who called the sinking of the Lusitania "an act of piracy" and demanded war?
Teddy Roosevelt
Who resigned from the Wilson admin? Why?
Secretary of State William Jennings Bryan. Fearful the demand of Wilson's notes for Germany to stop sinking ships etc, would lead to war.
What was American foreign policy like between 1901 and 1920?
Aggressive and nationalistic
Where did the US intervene, and what did it dominated in the early 20th century?
Europe, Far East, and Latin America.

What did Teddy Roosevelt do with the US Navy while in office?
Doubled the strength of the navy
How did Roosevelt get "help" from Panama in "seizing" territory in Panama for a canal?
Roosevelt supported a Panamanian revolt from Colombia. Panama granted the construction of the canal
How did Latin America feel about Roosevelt's actions regarding Colombia and the canal to be built in Panama?
Angered many.
What policy did the US develop to ensure its dominance in the Caribbean?
Established protectorates over some countries and subsidized others to keep them dependent
What was the "Roosevelt Corollary?"
Policy warned Latin American nations to keep their affairs in order (many were in debt to European nations) or face American intervention
What did Roosevelt do so that Japan would not think the US was weak?
Sent 16 battleships of new American fleet around the world, stopping in Tokyo
What was "dollar diplomacy?"
Pres Taft and Secretary of St Philander Knox promoted American financial and business interests abroad
By 1917, where were US troops "protecting" nations in the Caribbean?
Nicaragua, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Cuba
What did Wilson say Latin American nations had to do to win American recognition?
Exercise power and reflect "a just gov't based upon law, not upon arbitrary or irregular force"
Why did Wilson intervene in Mexico?
Thought that General Victoriano Huerta was a "buther" and refused to recognize him. desired to only help Mexico achieve political and agrarian reform.