History of Rock - 1

This is for MUNS 101 at UNL with Larson. It covers Chapter 1 notes.

42 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Who were popular composers during the Tin Pan Valley era of Rock and Roll?
Irving BerlinGeorge and Ira GershwinRogers and Hart/HammersteinCole Porter
Which era of music was defined before the term Rock and Roll was coined?
Tin Pan Valley (pop industry)
Who were the first pop singers?
Al JolsonRudy ValleeBing CrosbyFrank Sinatra
Which type of music is big band jazz dominant?
Who was the first star of the Swing era?
Benny Goodman - Elvis of his generation
Which two types of music were popular during the Postwar Traditional Years?
R&B and Country
What caused the record sales to drop between the years of 1920-1954?
The Great Depression
What years did rock and roll begin to boom?
What acoustical processes were popular during the 1920's through 1954?
Pre-1925Acoustic hornNo electricity, no mics
What are some major labels from the early rock and roll years?
ColumbiaRCA VictorDeccaCapitol
What year did Billboard magazine begin charting?
What 3 certifications can an artist get for their record according to the RIAA?
Goldplatinum (1976)diamond (1999)
What major event happened in 1920 that set off the music career for the better?
The radio had its first commercial broadcasts
What major change in the radio business happened in the 1950's?
Segregated small number of black stations catered to black audiences, white teens started listening to R&B on "black stations", and few white DJ's begin playing R&B on white stations to attract teens
Who was Alan Freed?
"The Moondog House Rock and Roll Party" - first real rock and roll concert (1951)called him "Mr. Rock and Roll"