History Since 1865: Test 2 Key Terms

Some key terms from the 1900s

28 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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What is the Grange Movement?
Concentrated in the West/South, this started as a social movement (where our state fairs come from); and eventually laws started passing at local levels to stop the railroad's rate discrimination.
Who is William Jennings Brine?
This Populist ran for President 3 times as a Democrat (and lost all 3); he is known as the father of American progressivism.
What is the Triangle Fire?
In NYC, 1911, this fire started at the Triangle Shirtwaist Co. and workers couldn't get out 'cause the manager locked the doors, so the girls jumped out the windows to their deaths. This led to safety regulations.
What is Northern Securities?
JP Morgan tried to put together this nationwide railroad monopoly before Attorney General Knox stopped it with the Sherman Anti-Trust Act.
What is "Muckrakers"?
This term, coined by Roosevelt, refers to expose journalists who propelled reform and regulation.
What is the Pure Food & Drug Act?
This act cleaned up medicine in America.
What is the Owen-Glass Bill?
This bill brought about federal regulation of banking and created the Federal Reserve System.
What is the Lusitania?
This large ship took war supplies to London from New York until it was sunk by a German sub within sight of land, killing almost all the passengers.
What is the War Industries Board (WIB)?
This board told industries what to make for the war, how much of it to make, and when to deliver it.
What is the Espionage & Sedition Act (E&S Act)?
This act allowed the government to arrest people for criticizing the war and the government.
What is the American Expeditionary Force (AEF)?
This was the name of our drafted army for WWI
What is the Scopes Monkey Trial?
This trial tested the allowance of evolution being taught in Southern states with Brine as the prosecutor.
What is the Spanish Flu?
This disease, which came out of WWI, killed a million people in a couple of months when soldiers came back to the US.
Who is David Sarnoff?
This man started in the telegraph industry and sued the government to get radio technology released to the public. He created NBC, which transmitted signal and RCA, which made the radio that received the signal.
What is the Model T?
Ford's assembly line produced car. It was cheap, but it was also a good, sturdy car. This car directly led to the federal government getting into the business of building roads.