Honors Bio Chapter 3 Vocab

Chapter 3 biochemistry vocabulary freaking ms. wahl

37 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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A compound with one side having a negative charge and the otherside a positive side
Polar compound
A weak chemical bond between the hydrogen atoms in one molecule and a negatively charged region of another molecule; holds two H2o Molecules together
Hydrogen bond
An attractive force between particles of the same kind
Is the attraction force between unlike substances
The reaction of a liquid surface with a solid; allows water to creep up the interior of a narrow vessel
Clusters of atoms; a structural building block that determines the characteristics of a chemical compound
Functional groups
Is an organic compound with a hydroxyl group attached to one of its carbon atoms
A repeated, single-molecule unit in a polymer
A compound consisting of repeated linked monomers
A very large organic molecule composed of many smaller molecules
What bonds two or monomers together to form a polymer
Condensation reaction
The splitting of a molecule though reaction with water
Referring to the molecular attraction of water
Referring to the molecular repulsion of water
A molecule present in all living cells and acting as an energy source for metabolic processes
Adenosine triphosphate (ATP)