HSC 215- Exam #2

126 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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GPs are generated in __________ and spread to the __________ to initiate AP that travels down the axon.
Dentrides/cell bodyAxon hillock/triggering zone
Two types of propagation
1. Contiguous2. Saltatory
Contiguous conduction
Action potential spreads along every portion of the membrane ("touching")Seen in unmyelinated fibersSlower
Saltatory conduction
Impluse jumps over sections of the fiber covered with myelin
Rapid conduction in ___________ fibers
Lipid covering that insulates the axon (white matter)Formed by oligodendrocytes in CNSFormed by schwann cells in PNS
Nodes of ranvier
Gaps in myelin where bare axon is exposed to ECFContains voltage gated K and Na channels
Carry signals across the synapseVary from synapse to synapseSame neurotransmitter is always released at a particular synapseQuickly removed from synaptic cleft
Synaptic Transmission Events (1-7)
1. AP propagated to axon terminal2. Voltage gated Ca channels open3. Ca diffuses into SEB from ECF4. NT is released via exocytosis into synaptic cleft5. NT binds to receptors on subsynaptic membrance6. Ion channels open on subsynaptic neuron7. Fate of neurotransmitter (diffuse away, degraded by enzymes or reuptake by presynaptic neuron)
Signals at synapse either ________ or ________ the postsynaptic neuron
Two types of synapses
Excitatory and Inhibitory
Excitatory synapses
Binding of NT moves membrane potential closer to thresholdEPSPs
Inhibitory synapses
Binding of NT moves membrane potential farther from thresholdIPSPs
EPSPs and IPSPs are GP which can be _____________
Grand post synaptic potentials (GPSPs)
Sum of all EPSPs and IPSPs that are occurring