Human Development Midterm

Human development cards. For college course in human development.

37 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Why study HD?
Part of every day lives, help understand history, and can help us prepare for the future.
Domains of development
Biological (brain growth, genes), Cognitive (thought intelligence), Social Emotional (relationships, emotions)
Periods of development: Prenatal
Conception to birth
Periods of development: Infancy/toddler-hood
Birth-one year
Periods of development: Early childhood
Periods of development: Middle Childhood
Periods of development: Adolescence
Periods of development: Early Adulthood
Periods of development: Middle Adulthood
Periods of development: Late Adulthood
Conceptions of Age
Chronological (# of years), Crude Index (events and experiences), Biological (physical heath, might be younger or older)
Nature vs Nuture
Nature (inherited), Nurture (environment)
Continuity and Discontinuity
Continuous (gradual change, Oak tree), Discontinuous (stages, butterfly)
Critical Periods
Skin to skin or Lorenz & ducks
Types of Research
Observations ( Natural settings), Self Reports (Interviews Questionnaires), Case Studies (info on one person, Genie)