Fill in the Blanks with Correct Human Growth and Development Terms Flashcards

This is flash cards  for chapter 4-7 in Human growth and Development "A life span View" 

78 cards   |   Total Attempts: 185

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Piaget Used the Term ________to describe the process by which new experiences are easily incorporated into existing schemes.
According to Piaget, when a scheme is modified based in some experience,________has occurred.
Sylvester has just learned how to pick up his cat Chester. Chester likes to be picked up and does not struggle. Later, Sylvester tries to pick up another cat named Thai. Thai is a Siamese cat who hates to be picket up and puts up a struggle. Sylvester learns to adjust his original cat lifting scheme after he has been scratched by Thai. This is an example of______-
Piaget saw equilibration as a balance between________
Assimilation and Accommodation
In Order to overcome a state of disequilibrium, a child must
Recognize his or her schemes.
Bob is a normal developing 18 month old child. According to Piaget, Bob is most likely in the _________-period of cognitive development.
The Phrase "out of sight , out of mind", best exemplifies the Piaget concept of
Object Permanence.
Franciska does a pretty good job of completing spelling problems but does a much better job if she is given directions by her teacher. The difference between what Francesca can do alone and with assistance is nest defined as
Zone of proximal development
Scaffolding involves a teaching style in which assistance is always
Based on the level of the learners needs.
According to Vygotsky, Private speech is aimed at
Self regulation
According to Vygotsky, __________speech is the same as thought
The unique sounds that are combined to create spoken words are called
2 year old Ariel parents bought a Aquarium. They point at the moving things inside and call them fish. Arial have never heard the word fish before. But Ariel figure out that the moving things inside the tank are what is called Fish. This is an example of_____
Fast Mapping
Applying rules to a word that is actually an exception to the rule is called
When Andy bumps in to the TV he says to it,"you bumped into me because you are mean" Andy is exhibiting____