Human Relations

119 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

Cards In This Set

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List and be able to give examples of Bloom’s Cognitive Taxonomy of higher learning, and how it must be applied to multicultural education. Know this material well! Be able to listen to typical “teacher talk” and match up the levels appropriately. (Building MC Curriculum PPT)
A. Level 1: knowledge –lists, label, recite, name, find, and memorize
b. Level 2: Comprehension- paraphrase, discover, translate
c. Level 3: Application- apply, transfer, generalize, relate, operate
d. Level 4: Analysis- deduce, distinguish, dissect, audit, inspect
e. Level 5: Synthesis- create, hypothesize, invent imagine, assemble
f. Level 6: Evaluation- appraise, evaluate, interpret, predict, justify
Study the 13 multicultural dispositions that Dr. T. has based his curriculum for this class on. Be able to quote them (your own words are Ok as long as they are accurate). (PPT
A. Not about me, about the lives I serve
b. Everyone can learn all my best effort
c. Celebrate differences
d. Many truths in the world
e. Multi-disciplinary makes largest impression
f. Analysis of power and privilege needed
g. Disagree with being…
h. Stay on top of things to always justify
i. Show every side, let them decide
j. Get thicker skin
k. Good intentions are not enough
l. First step begins with helping the hurt
m. I must be the change
Question: According to contemporary anthropologists, is race a stable category for organizing and differentiating the people of our world? (L, F-2)
No its not
According to the instructor, what is the first multicultural step for educators to make? (L)
A. Become aware and educated on the cultures they will be dealing with. Realize that racism exists and that, if teachers are white, they have benefited from it.
According to the instructor, is it wise for educators to officially adopt the concept of “color blindness” as a professional model to emulate? (L)
Question: Just because the topic of race and racism is controversial and can sometimes cause stressful moments in a classroom setting, does that give the teacher permission to avoid or water-down the topic? (B-1, F-4)
According to Banks (and many others), does the educational multicultural mandate require a teacher to discuss every ethnic group, or does it require that classroom resources and instruction not focus solely on the dominant group? Is it an equal time issue, or is it about understanding general patterns that can be applied to many disempowered groups? (B-1, F-4, L)
A. More about general patterns, but then applying it specifically to each group, because we can’t talk about everyone
What does your instructor say is the correct and healthy attitude one should take towards a White person feeling guilty about what has happen in history? (L)
  1. To not feel guilty because of the past, now they should try to be the change agent. Question the status quo.
  2. It’s not just a white disease it is a human disease, explain power and privilege.
  3. Minorities had problems too.
According to the instructor, students often resist participating in discussions about race and racism because of what kinds of reasons? (L, F-4)
A. Race is considered a taboo topic
b. Many students think of the US as a just society
c. Deny personal prejudices
d. Having a black president, saying everything is okay
e. Think that since I treat everybody right, that everybody else is doing he same (shouldn’t focus on individual but the group)
According to your instructor and many historians, which country did the best job of psychologically promoting slavery? Explain your answer. (B-10, L)
A. The United States because we had Jim crow and lynching
According to the educator's professional code, what position should teachers take towards a student who might be gay or lesbian? (GC-3, L)
A. Have and teach a neutral approach, learn to present LGBT without embarrassment or condemnation must guarantee respectful treatment for all.
What stance on immigration was upheld by the Supreme Court in 1982 and again in 1998? (GC-5)
A. Plyer vs. Doe
b. Supreme court struck down a law that started the denial of funding for education to undocumented immigrant children. They were also making immigrants pay an annual tuition fee of $1,000.
What was the reaction of many southern and northern Whites to the 1954 and 1955 Brown v. Topeka Board of Education cases? How did Central High School in Little Rock Arkansas respond? (F-10, Films)
A. Response was not good, whites were very upset. Central high allowed 9 black students into school and had a national guard protect them.
A person’s cultural identity is determined by what factors? (L)
A. Race and Ethnicity
b. Male or Women
c. Nationality
d. Generation gap
According to several experts, why do many Whites believe that segregation and discrimination no longer exist? (L, F-5)
Because they like black culture, and they do not discriminate or the fact they may be sheltered and do not see the discrimination. (Institutionalized racism)