Humanities Unit 3 Exam

Rvolutionary war for

22 cards   |   Total Attempts: 183

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What are the four parts of the Declaration of Independence? describe each one.
Ideals-what a government should look like Arguments-Arguing why they should be free Complaints-what the king has done to the colonists Conclusion-Declares to the world that they are a free and independent country
What are four accomplishments under the articles of Confederation?
~succesfully waged and won the revoulutionary wwar agaginst great britain ~passed the northwest ordinance allowing teh country to expand ~Negotiated the peace treaty of paris ending the revolutionary war ~Stated that each state must recognize the laws of other states
What are six problems under the articles of Confederation?
~Congress had NO money and No power to raise it, couldn't tax the colonists ~Congress had No power over state governments and citizens ~citizens ignored the laws made by congress ~Congress had NO power to regulate trade among the states ~Buisness slowed down and people lost their jobs ~people felt the states wern't protecting their property rights
What was the french and indian war?
A war between the french and natives allies against the english and their native alies
What was the proclomation of 1763?
An imaginary line drawn near the app. mnts banning coloniol settlements
What was the sugar act?
An act that put a duty on several products in. molases and sugar
What was the quartering act?
Colonists had to house british troups and supply food for them
What was the stamp act ?
Required all colonists to buy special taxed stamps in order to do certain activities
What was the declaratory act?
Parliment declared that they had total authority over the colonists
What was the townshend act?
British would no longer tax the colonists inside the colonies, only tax things brought into the colnies
What was the writ of assistance?
British were allowed to search the colonsits home without saying what they were searching for
What was the boston massacre?
When they just shot out
What was the Boston tea party?
Men dressed as natives dumped all the tea into the harbor
What was the intolorable acts?
Closed port of boston harbor, increased the power of the royal government, abolished the upper house oft the Mass. legislate, cut power of town meetings
What was the first continental cogress?
A meeting of the colonis in Philidelphia discuss the declaration of their rights