

7 cards   |   Total Attempts: 184

Cards In This Set

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To choose a designer for the city’s baptistery doors

To select a leader who would help them defeat Milan
To determine if the city would be Guelph or Ghibelline
To decide on a design for their cathedral’s dome
Who won the competition to create a dome for Florence Cathedral?
Giotto di Bondone
Filippo Brunelleschi
Arnolfo di Cambio

Lorenzo Ghibert
What principle did Brunelleschi master and apply to his dome’s design?

Atmospheric perspective
Scientific perspective
What distinction does Donatello’s David hold?
They were bankers to the papacy
They lead the defeat of Milan’s army
They headed the Arte della Lana guild
They descended from nobility
Leonardo could design great machines of war for him

Leonardo could help him earn his people’s support
Leonardo agreed to paint Sforza’s sixteen‐year‐old mistress
Leonardo could help heal a rift between Sforza and the Medici
Why did Michelangelo leave Florence for Rome in 1505?
He wanted to study Rome’s classical architecture
He was exiled from Florence along with the Medicis
Pope Julius II commanded him to come to Rome
His friend Raphael was working in Rome
According to the ancient Roman Vitruvius, what standard should the ideal human body be eight times the size?
Distance between wrist and elbow
The clenched fist
Distance between ankle and knee
The head