Important Family Law Definitions

35 cards   |   Total Attempts: 184

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The legal union of two persons as spouses with designated rights and obligations to each other
Premarital Agreement
A contract by persons about to be married that can cover financial and related matters once marriage occurs and spousal support, property division, and related matters in the event of death, separation, divorce, or annulment. Also call prenuptial agreement (prenup)
A prior decision covering a similar issue that can be used as a standard or guide in a later case
Common Law
Judge-made law in the absence of controlling statutory law or other higher law
Continuing Legal Education (CLE)
Training in law that a person receives after completing his or her formal education. Attorneys need 12 hour per year
Intentionally destroying, altering, or concealing evidence
Conflicts Check
A determination of whether a conflict of interest exists that might disqualify law office from representing a client or from continuing the representation
Conflict of Interest
Divided loyalties that actually or potentially harm (or disadvantage)someone is owed
An agreement between opposing parties about a particular matter
A written statement containing facts, claims, or other legal positions given under oath or affirmation
Pro Se
On one’s own behalf – Appearing for or representing oneself; not using an attorney.
Devices used by parties to force information from each other before trial to air in trial prep
A discovery device in which one party send written questions to another party
Request for Production of Documents
A discovery device in which one party requests that another party provide access to documents or other tangible things for copying or inspection.
Requests for Admissions
A discovery device in which one party sends a request to another party that the latter agree that a certain fact or conclusion is true so that there will be no need to present proof or arguments about such matters during the trial