In the Heart of the Sea

51 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Barzillai Ray
Crew member on Pollard’s boat, from Nantucket (teenager), died on February 11th on whale boat. He was the last guy to die on Pollard’s boat
Benjamin Lawrence
Boatsteerer, from Nantucket, and a member of Chase’s boat, made the small piece of twine, he is a survivor.
Charles Ramsdell
Crew member on Pollard’s boat, Nantucket teenager, he shot Coffin, he and Pollard survived by sucking on the bones of Coffin and Ray.
Edie Ray
Was the marine scientist who found the whale that had washed up on the shore of Nantucket in 1997.
George Pollard
Captain of the Essex, he was from Nantucket, and he survived this ordeal. After recuperating from the sinking of the Essex, he was the captain of the whale ship Two Brothers. The men in his boat began drawing lots to find out who they would eat to survive.
Gideon Folger
One of the owners of the Essex, whom Pollard had to answer on his homecoming.
Henry Dewitt
An African American crew member, who had jumped ship, thinking he would survive off of the water.
Herman Melville
Wrote the book Moby- Dick that was inspired from this story of the Essex.
Isaac Cole
Crew member in Chase’s boat, died on Feb. 8th where he was consumed in cannibalism. The men thought that he was crazy, and they at first wouldn’t eat him because they thought they would catch the crazy, but they ended up eating him anyway.
Lawson Thomas
African American crew member, he was on Pollard or Hendricks boat, the men kept his body for food, first man to be eaten in cannibalism.
Matthew Joy
Second mate from Nantucket, member of Chase’s boat, died on January 10th, and was buried in the sea.
Obed Hendricks
Boatsteerer from Nantucket, his boat had disappeared from the others, carrying himself, Joseph West, and William Bond, and they were never seen again.
Owen Chase
First mate from Nantucket, he was in Chase’s boat, and he survived.
Owen Coffin
He was a Nantucket teenager, was in Pollard’s boat, killed and eaten by his crew mates, cousin to Pollard, he was drawn from lots to be killed to be eaten and he was killed by Ramsdell.
Richard Peterson
African American crew member, he was in Chase’s boat, and they had separated from the rest of the crew, and they didn’t survive. He also was not eaten in cannibalism, he was buried in the sea.