Inacan History

Inacan History

34 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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What was it like where the Incas lived?
Mountainess, grass, stones
Where was it.
On a mountain
What presant-day South American countries did the Incan Empire include.
Bolivia, Argentina, and Ecuador
The Moches made what? Name two things.
Built citites, and the social pyramid
The Chimus made what? Name two things.
A messaging system, and roads
Who holds the top position in the Incan class structure? From whom did the Incas believe he received his highest authority to rule.
The emeporer holds the highest athorety. They got it from the sun god. If they were rebutied.
Who were the Capa Incas? What jobs did hey do?
The Capa Incas were the highest ranked nobels. They were local leaders. They were desended Monco Capac. They took care of the llamas, cocoas, and had to learn laws.
Who were the Caracas? What were some of their responsibilities?
They were the third class of nobels. They could have collected taxes or been inpesctor. They had to learn laws.
To what class did most people in the Inca Empire belong. What kind of work did they do?
Most of the Inca people were commoners. They worked as farmers and herders. They did not have slaves. Men built and women wove.
Who owned the land each ayllu used. What did the ayllu members do for this land.
The emporer owned each ayllu land. The members would farm the land. Had responsibilities to the goverment.
What was the mit'a? How was it paid.
The mita was public tax. It was paid in the way of labor. Like working in mines.
How was the education of sones of incan nobels different from that of children of commoners?
Nobels had tutors and ad to take goverment tests and projects. Commoners were taught from their grandparents.
At what ages did Incan men and women marry? What were the typical steps people followed to find a partner and get married?
Men married at age 20 and women married at age 16. They married people from their own ayllu. they exchanged sandels and held hands.
Which god was most important to the Incas? Why?
The god that was most important was Inti. It was the sun god. It was the most important because they emporers family was related to it. Also, it was the god of agriculture.
Describe the types of sacrifices the Incas practiced in their religous ceremonie?
Some sacrifices were done regulary. Each day priests threw corn on the fire to tell the sun to appear. Animals like guinie pigs and llamas. Humans were killed on special occasions.