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Sensation in the dorsum of the foot is supplied by what dermatome?
L5 and S1 spinal nerves -L5 corresponds to the medial portion of the dorsum of the foot -S1 corresponds to the lateral portion
Which dermatome would indicate diminished sensation in the anterior thigh?
L2 and L3 spinal nerves
Which location would have diminished sensation with dermatome S3 and S4?
Groin (S3 corresponds to the groin and medial thigh) (S4 corresponds to the perineum, genitals, and lower sacrum)
Which dermatome would indicated diminished sensation in the lateral calf?
L5 spinal nerve
If you have a new patient that does not speak English, and feels intimidated by the hospital environment, what should the therapist do to make this patient comfortable?
Request an interpreter
What is chronic bronchitis characterized as and what are its symptoms?
It is a form of obstructive pulmonary disease that is characterized by increased mucus secretions from the bronchioles and structural changes to the bronchi. Persistent cough, wheezing, dyspnea, and cyanosis are common symptoms.
This is a condition in which the arterial oxygenation is habitually below normal (PaO2 of less than 80 mm Hg?
Chronic hypoxemia
What exercise is used early in a post-operative program for a status post arthrotomy of the knee? and what should the therapist do if the patient is experiencing severe pain while doing this exercise?
quadriceps muscle setting (it is an isometric contraction of the quads, it places minimal stress on the knee) Severe pain in a patient rehabilitating from a surgical procedure is an acceptable reason to immediately discontinue the session.
What should the therapist do, if she observes a patient collapsed on the floor?
Check for unresponsiveness (tap the victim on the shoulder and ask, "are you all right?" if the patient is unresponsive, the therapist should phone 911,get an automatic external defibrillator, and provide CPR)
Assuming an uncomplicated recovery of this patient, what would be the most accurate prediction of functional level, it would be based on the patients?
Previous functional level
What is the action of the lumbricales in the metatarsophalangeal joint? and how would you strengthen these muscles?
act to flex the metatatsophalangeal joints and assist in extending the interphalangeal joint of the second through 5th digits. They are innervated by the tibial nerve. Strengthening: resisted flexion of the metatatarsophalangeal joint. Can be performed with manual resistance or by gathering a towel or another similar object placed on the floor.
What are the actions of the dorsal interossei and the plantar interossei ?
-Dorsal interosssei: abduct 2nd through 4th digits and assists in flexion of the metatarsophalangeal joints -Plantar interossei: adduct the 3rd, 4th, and 5th digits and assists in flexion of the metatarsophalangeal joint
If the patient becomes confused and is unable to perform the exercises correctly, however, he understands the exercises. What should the therapist do then to simplify the exercise?
Reduce the number of exercises in the series
In a hospital, what should a patient be wearing when performing a transfer? (stand pivot transfer)
wearing the hospital-issued socks. Patients should never wear standard socks because it can jeopardize patient safety
When is a dependent squat pivot transfer used for?
When a patient can bear some weight through the lower extremities, however, cannot transfer independently