Innate Immunity

Innate immuni ty gener

33 cards   |   Total Attempts: 186

Cards In This Set

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What is the difference in structure b/t the innate and adaptive immune system?
Innate: PAMPs Adaptive: antigens
What has greater diversity--adaptive or innate?
Adaptive The innate receptors are encoded in the germline and very limited
What branch of the immune system is able to distinguish self from non-self?
Adaptive AND innate
What are two characteristics of structures recognized by the innate immune system?
1. Not variable 2. Important for function of microbe
What are 5 epithelial barriers to bacteria?
1. Epithelium intact 2. Defensin (protein antibiotic made by skin 3. Intraepithelial lymphocytes in dermis 4. Mast cells covered with FcR (bind Fc of AB) 5. Normal flora--competition
When do monocytes mature into macrophages?
When they move from the blood to the tissue
What cellular feature would show a macrophage has matured?
The nucleus goes from a big C shape to a small nucleus
What do damaged endothelial cells secrete?
What is the function of chemokines?
They bind endothelial cells and increase expression of adhesion molecules
What is the first adhesion molecule expressed by an endothelial cell? What does it recruit?
1. E-selectin 2. Neutrophils
What is the 2nd adhesion molecule expressed? What does it recruit?
1. I-CAM1 2. Monocytes
What is the 3rd adhesion molecule expressed? What does it recruit?
1. V-CAM1 2. T cells
How long does it take for the adaptive immune system to enter damaged tissue?
~24 hrs (when VCAM-1 recruits T cells)
Leukocyte is...
All WBCs
Lymphocytes are..
T, B, NK cells