Instructional Process Praxis 5622

35 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Active learning
This technique and prose listening skills by structuring how I person listens and responds to the person who is talking.
Affective domain
This domain controls the development of emotions values and attitudes.
The process of inspecting something critically
These consist of genuine objects or articles created by a person
Audio aid
This device amplifies the teachers page so that it can be heard clearly by student
This theory describes how rewards and punishments condition is this behavior and learning.
Bloom's taxonomy
This classifies cognitive processes from simple to abstract
Cloze Procedures
This is a practice of omitting words from the text as a reading comprehension activity
Cognitive domain
The way Stunz process new information, store knowledge and retrieves it to apply to new circumstances falls within this domain
Concept Learning
A form of learning that involves classifying information by topic.
Students construct their own knowledge through learning experiences.
Critical thinking
This form of thinking involves looking at evidence from an objective viewpoint to make inferences about or drawing conclusions
Deductive reasoning
Certain conclusions are drawn by using known Information and Narrowing it to the specific circumstance
Direct teaching
This form of teaching is centered on the teacher and instruction is based on disseminating facts
Distance learning
This type of learning involves provisions for educating students that are not in attendance at a school facility.