Integrated Control of Cardiovascular System I &II

Lecture given by Dr.

17 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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What are the 2 means by which venous return is increased during exercise?
1) squeezing of veins by skeletal muscle 2) sympathetic nervous system produces venoconstriction
Alpha 1 vasoconstriction results in what?
Increase resistance & decrease bloodflow
Alpha 1 receptors are located where?
Skin splanchnic regions kidneys inactive muscles
What is skeletal muscles response ot sympathetic vasoconstriction?
Skeletal muscle metabolic effects override any sympathetic vasoconstricting effects...causing vasodilation
In the sympathetic response to exercise is there constriction of the coronary and cerebral arteries?
Which circulation has a biphasic response? Initial vasoconstriction and then vasodilation.
Cutaneous circulation
What is the local response to exercise in muscle?
Active Hyperemia Increase vasodilator metabolites (Lactate, K+,Adenosine) Decrease in TPR
What is the initiating event for the response to hemorrhage?
Decrease in Arterial pressure
Within hours arterial pressure begins to return back to normal. True or false
True...this is compensatory
What is the response of the Renin-Angiotensin II-Aldosterone System to hemorrhage?
Decrease Arterial pressure=Decrease in Renal perfusion...stimulates secretion of Renin
What is the response of capillaries during hemorrhage?
Decrease capillary pressure favors filtration out of capillaries
Where are the volume receptors located that control ADH?
What 2 things do ADH do in response to hemorrhage?
Increase resorption by renal collecting ducts Causes arteriolar vasoconstriction
How does pooling of blood in the extremities affect MAP?
Slow reactive pupils think...