Medical Terms for Cause of Albinism Flashcards

28 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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White (albinism-condition characterized by a lack of pigment in skin, hair, and eyes)
Skin (subcutaneous-beneath the skin)
Skin (dermis-inner layer of the skin)
Upon, after, in addition (epidermis-outer layer of the skin)
Small bag (follicle-tube like depression in which a hair develops)
Entire; whole (holocrine gland-gland that discharges the entire cell containing secretion)
Horn (keratin-protein produced as epidermal cells die and harden)
Black (melanin-dark pigment produced by certain cells)
Passage; channel (pore-opening by which a sweat gland communicates to the skin's surface)
Grease (sebaceous gland-gland that secretes an oily substance)
Functions of the skin.
1) maintain homeostasis 2) protects skin from harmful substances (microorganisms) from entering body 3) retards water loss by diffusion from deeper tissues 4) helps regulate body temperature 5) houses sensory receptors 6) synthesizes various chemicals (Vitamin D) 7) contains immune system cells 8) excretes small quantities of waste
What kind of tissue are found in the skin?
Epithelium, connective, adipose
The layers of the skin are __ and the __.
Epidermis; dermis
Describe the structure and function of the subcutaneous layer.
STRUCTURE: collagenous elastic fibers parallel to dermis; areolar & adipose tissue FUNCTION: insulates body heat; impedes entrance of heat from outside (contains major blood vessels)
Describe ways in which drugs can be delivered through the skin.
Intradermal: into the skin; Subcutaneous: beneath the skin; Intramuscular or Transdermal Patch: into muscles