(Intermediate) Japanese Grammar Points

36 cards   |   Total Attempts: 183

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いったん ~ ば
"Once you do something..."

いったん日本へ行けば、 会話は上手になります。
=Once you go to Japan, your speaking will improve.

*When a negative consequence is expressed, いったん~と is preferred.
いったん日本語の勉強を辞めると、 すぐ忘れてしまうでしょう。
S1 (plain) 代わり S2
- Used to state that a certain thing (or person, situation, etc) has both good and bad aspects.
- Has a sense that one compensates for the other.

ウイスコンシンは冬寒いかわり、 夏は涼しい。
Wisconsin is cold in the winter but cool in the summer.
V(past) 上で
”Upon V-ing", "after V-ing"

= On that matter, I will reply after I've consulted with my parents.

= You should decide important matters after considering them carefully.
* V (plain, non-past)~ = one cannot do certain things for social, moral, situational reasons
e.x. 普通のアメリカのパーてイーで日本語を話すわけにはいかない。

*V (negative)~ = has a sense of "can't help but do~". One has no other choice.
e.x. 忙しくても寝ないわけにはいきません。 = Even though I'm busy, I have no choice but to sleep.
= one gets by without doing V


毎日ご飯を作らないで済むといいですね。 = It will be nice if we don't have to cook everyday, don't you think?
~ わけではない
"Doesn't mean that..."

* Negates what one would generally conclude from previous statements or situations.

あまり英語を話しませんが、英語ができないわけではありません。= I don't speak English much, but it doesn't mean that I can't speak English.
~ てくる
~ ていく
- Indicates how a certain change relates to the speaker when used with verbals that express change.

* てくる = change taking place up until now
だいぶ日本の生活に慣れてきました. = I've become accustomed to Japanese life considerably.

* ていく = change takes place from now on
私の生活はどんどん変わっていくでしょう。 = Our life will continue to change rapidly.
- Before one knows it; Before one realizes

= Money is gone before you know it.

= It had gotten dark outside before I realized it.
- Most normally follows a noun (or a sentence + こと), focusing on the unusual or least expected case.

= There are probably very few people who can't even their own names.
X は Y で有名だ
- X is famous for Y
- Y can be a noun or a noun phrase (sentence + の・こと)


"If I remember correctly"; "If I'm not mistaken"

= If I'm not mistaken, the population of Japan is about 120,000,000.

アメリカで一番人口の多い州は、確かカリフォルにアだと思います。 = If I remember correctly, I think the most populated state in America is California.
X ほど
- as much X

The teacher's English isn't as good as that student's.

This work won't take as long as that.
Interrogative + # + も
- Indicates a significantly large number, but not everyone in existence.

何人も = any number of people (great number of people)
何度も = many times, over and over again
何げんもないです。 = There aren't a large (significant) number of buildings.
必ずしも ~ という訳ではない
"it doesn't necessarily mean that..."


V(causative) ていただけないでしょうか
- A very polite request for permission to do something.

= Would you please let me take the exam on day early?

= (speaking to professor) Would you mind letting me read your paper?