Interpersonal Communication

Final Exam

80 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Confirming Messages v. Disconfirming Messages
Confirming message communicates that "you exist" or "you matter." Disconfirming messages communicate the opposite.
Three levels of confirming messages: recognition, acknowledgement, endorsement
Recognition- recognize the other person, i.e return phone calls and visitsacknowledgement- acknowledge feelings of others, i.e. paraphrase and listenendorsement- find something in the message to agree with so that the other person feels that have support
Collaborative negotiation
Assumes that creativity can transcend the win/lose aspect of competitive negotiations. Both people can win instead of one having to sacrifice.
Both parties win in a disagreement. They find a solution that benefits both of their top desires
Assumptions of the integrative/collaborative model of negotiation
1. negotiation world is controlled by enlightened self-interests2. Common interests are valued and sought3. Interdependance in recognized and enhanced4. Limited resources do exist, but they can usually be expanded through cooperation5. The resource distribution system is integrative in nature6. The goal is a mutually agreeable solution that is fair to all parties and efficient for the community
Expanding the pie
Encourages collaborative outcomes because most conflicts are based on the perception of scarce resources; expanding the resources alters the structure of conflict
Nonspecific compensation
A process in which one of the parties is "paid off" with some other form of compensation, could also help break a competitive spiral and begin a collaborative set
One offers tradeoff issues that are the top priority for the other. similar to nonspecific compensation
Cost cutting
Minimizes the other's costs for going along with you, i.e. having a partner meet you a few days into your vacation so that you can still spend time together, but he doesnt have to miss as many work days
Invents new options to meet the other side's needs
Disadvantages of collaborative approaches
1. strongly biased toward cooperation2. avoids strategies that are confrontational3. focuses on being sensitive to other's perceived interests4. difficulty in establishing definite aspiration levels and bottom lines because of the reliance on qualitative goals
The language of collaboration
Collaboration is both a mindset and a set of techniques. Specific phrases of collaboration.
Differences in male and female sociolization and physiological responses
-women value relationships and use talk as a way of maintaining them. They respond by talking (voice) and turning anger and disappointment inward (loyalty)-men are less encouraged to talk and more encouraged to problem solve and fix things. They have aggressive responses to conflict, asserting dominance to maintain self-esteem. They often chose to minimize conflicts (neglect) or leave when arguments erupt (exit)
Exit-voice-loyalty-neglect model
-Exit: leave an argument or even end a relationship when conflict arises (active)-Voice: engages the conflict and invites the other person to collaborate in resolving it (active)-Loyalty: responses involve quietly staying loyal to a partner and a relationship, i.e. things will get better soon, or this was my fault for expecting too much (passive)-Neglect: a person denies or minimizes problems (passive)
Definition of "irresolvable conflict"
A conflict in which at least one of the individuals believes the argument is impossible to resolve