Intro to Ethics Exam 1

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What is a valid argument?
An argument with a form such that if all premises are true then the conclusion must be true.
What is a sound argument?
An argument that is 1. Valid and 2. Has all true premises.
What are the five valid deductive argument forms in the fake book?
1. Modus Ponens 2 Modus Tollens 3. Hypothetical Syllogism 4. Constructive Dilemma 5. Quasi-Syllogism
What is the form of a Modus Ponens argument?
1. (If A then B) 2. (A) 3. Conclusion- (B)
What is the form of a Modus Tollens argument?
1. (If A then B) 2. (Not B) 3. Conclusion - (Not A)
What is the form of a Hypothetical Syllogism argument?
1. (If A then B) 2. (If B then C) 3. Conclusion - (If A then C)
What is the form of a Constructive Dilemma argument?
1. (Either A or B) 2. (If A then C) 3. (If B then C) 4. Conclusion - (C)
What is the form of a Quasi-Syllogism argument?
1. ( If any x if F then any x is G) 2. (x is F) 3. Conclusion - (x is G)
What are the two invalid argument forms in the fake book?
1. Affirming the apodosis. 2. Denying the protasis.
What is the form of the invalid argument Affirming the Apodosis?
1. (If A then B) 2. (B) 3. Conclusion - (A)
What is the form of the invalid argument Denying the Protasis?
1. (If A then B) 2. (Not A) 3. Conclusion - (Not B)
What is he definition of argument?
A set of propositions, some members of which, the premises, are put forward as evidence for the truth of one member of the set, the conclusion.
What is the purpose of a normative ethical theory?
To answer the deep philosophical question, "What is morality?"
What are Dr. Rice's adequecy conditions of a normative ethical theory?
1. Moral Bivalence Constraint 2. Tertium Quid Constraint 3. Plurality Constraint 4. Epistemic Constraint
What is the moral bivalence constraint?
An adequacy condition that requires a normative ethical theory to clearly distinquish between what is moral and immoral.