Intro to Linguistics (Test 2)

Intro to linguistics test 2 at vcu

30 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Projection principle
All words form a phrase following the X' theory template
Binarity principle
All operations and structures are binary
S. Abners's DP Hypothesis (1987)
Pronouns are nouns that become determiners
The projection theory
Every word akes its own phrase
When you combine things
Full interpretation (FI)
All features must be satisfied and checked. If you don't combine the right number of nounie things with a verb it won't sound like a complete sentence.Ex. I gave the keys.... to him.... on the him: argument (required)on the bus: adjunct (not required)
Argument structure
Part of morphosyntactic feature, if you don't give the verb it's nounie things it won't be satisfied. The verb knows how many nounie things to combine with...?
One argument nounie thing:He lied.Has to have a subject
Two arguments or two nounie things.He likes her.One subject, one object.
Three arguments or nounie things.I gave John a book.One subject, two objects
Count noun vs mass noun
Count noun: one catmass noun: some furniture
PITHM (predicate-internal theta marking hypothesis)
How verbs assign thematic roles inside verb phrases.Mechanism for how the nounie things plug into the sentence
- Verb phrase is like a huddle, the quarter back (verb) tells his receivers what route to run. - verb has to group together with its nounie things to make sure everything is satisfied
Anytime you have negation in a sentence you always have to have a modal auxiliary verb.He fell.He did not fall.
[+Agent] - one who initiates the action[+Goal] - recipient or goal of action[+Theme] - thing thats being given
Quantifier stranding
Subjects do start out in verb phrase