IPE Quiz 3

IPE flash cards, quiz 3 

16 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Goals of Medicine
Cure the ill, preserve life, ease pain. Restoration of health, relief of symptoms, restoration of function. Saving or prolonging life - Palliative CareEducating and counseling of condition and prognosis; avoiding harm to patient
What is sanctity of life?
Sanctity of life assumes every life has intrinsic value, regardless of condition, personal potential or disabilities
What is stewardship?
Imposes prima facie obligations or duties on its recipients and his/her caretakers to preserve and enhance human life
What is quality of life?
Patient-centered moral criterion, what is best for the individual
Ordinary/Proportionate Means
In the judgment of the patient offer a reasonable hope of benefit and do not entail an excessive burden or impose excessive expense on the family or community
Extraordinary/Disproportionate Means
In the patient's judgment do not offer a reasonable hope of benefit or entail an excessive burden, or impose an excessive expense on the family or the community
Patient-centered approach
Gives weight to autonomy of patient and examines the impact of technologies and treatments on the patient's medical and non-medical condition as a whole = total well-being of the patient
Palliative care is always ____, comfort measures are always _____.
Required, required
Benefit: prevention
Burden: excessive pain
Benefit: cure / treatment
Burden: excessive discomfort
Benefit: prolongation of life
Burden: prolongation of death
Benefit: palliation or comfort
Burden: inconvenience, expense
What makes something a non-beneficial medical treatment?
There is no reasonable hope the patient truly will benefit from the care. Well-being of the whole patient must be taken into account
Futility involves a _____ _____
Value judgment
There is no ethical distinction between what?
Withdrawing and withholding life-sustaining treatment