Islamic Civilization- Chapter 2

Chapter 2 STUDY

20 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

Cards In This Set

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What is the name for a muslim house of worship
What is the name of the largest and richest town in arabia
Who was the mongul ruler who braught peace to his territiory
What group of muslims accepted the ummayyad dynasty
Important empire began in turkey
Ottoman empire
A modern country today has more muslims than any other
What is the name for a green area
What is the name of a famous muslim mathmatician, astronamer, and poet
omar khayyam
This group of leaders lost power in ad 750
What is the name given to the successor to the "messanger of god"
What did muslim scholars preserve
Many ancient texts
What did akbars peaceful and fair rule lead to
Trade increasing and more production of food
After the mogul empire collapsed, who took control of most of india
Great britan
What did the ottoman empire allow
conquered peoples to practice their religons
What was one important reason the arabs were success ful in building their empire
Inspired by their religon, good on horseback and with a sword, and beleived that anyone who died in battle would go to paradise