Physiology Exam 2

49 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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The _______ in neurons releases neurotransmitters by exocytosis.
Axon terminal
The _______ in neurons has a high abundance of voltage-gated sodium channels and determines whether an action potential will be fired.
Axon hillock
______________send action potentials TO the central nervous system.
Afferent neurons
The resting membrane potential of neurons:
All of the above.
If a neuron becomes permeable to sodium:
The neuron would depolarize.
Graded potentials:
Can sum temporally or spatially.
The opening of which of the following channels would cause an inhibitory graded potential?
Ligand gated chloride channel
The rising or depolarization phase of an action potential is due to:
Opening of voltage gated sodium channels.
The falling or repolarization phase of an action potential is due to:
Both (b) and (c).
The absolute refractory period of an action potential:
All of the above.
During the relative refractory period it is harder to fire another action potential because _________.
Voltage gated potassium channels are open and the membrane is hyperpolarized.
Unmyelinated axons:
Have action potentials spread down the axon by contiguous conduction.
Allows for faster salutatory conduction of action potentials.
Electrical synapses:
Are formed when two neurons are connected by gap junctions.
Order the following events that occur at the synapse from first to last. 1 - calcium triggers exocytosis of neurotransmitter from the presynaptic neuron 2 - neurotransmitter diffuses across the synapse and binds to a receptor on the postsynaptic cell 3 - an action potential reaches the axon terminal of the presynaptic cell 4 - neurotransmitter is removed from the synapse to terminate the response 5 - voltage gated calcium channels open on the axon terminal of the presynaptic cell 6 - the postsynaptic cell responds