Joint Mobilization- Term 3

Test and note s cards

20 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Which of the following conditions would you consider the most appropriate indication fro use of a high grade mobilization technique
Loss of accessory joint movements due to capsular restriction
Passive (arc) strecthing in the absence of slide causes excessive joint compression in the same direction of that of the rolling bone
When non weigth-bearing, dorsiflexion of the talocrural joint results in the talus rolling anteriorly and sliding posteriorly on the distal
True when the area is concave the rule role and slide occurs in the same direction convex roll and slide occurs in the oppostite direction
Characteristics of a roll includes
Roll results in the swing of the bone
Grade 3 traction will
Increase inert tissue elongation and improve range of motion
In cases of pain, muscles guarding and spasm, small amplitude, high velocity oscillatory movements may be used to stimulate mechanoreceptors, thus inhibiting the transmission of nociceptive stimuli
False High velocity will cause pain.
Ventral glide of the femur at the coxofemoral joint will help improve of external rotation
In a case where your client presents with restricted talocrural joint plantar flexion you could glide the talus posteriorly in the mortise to held improve range of motion
According to Kalen born, the protocol for joint mobilization treatment should begin with grade 2 translatoric glife
Which of the following bones does not articulate with the cuboid
Fibula and medial cuneiform
The talocrural joint is close pack in dorsiflexion
The hip joint is close packed in flexion
Treatment of the knee joint for restricted extension could include
Lateral rotation of the leg
The fibula glides superiorly in
When treating pes planus, it would be important to include the following mobilizations
Glide the navicular platarward glide the cuboid dorsally adduct the forefoot by rotating the metatarsals toward inversion