Kleine- World History Semester 1 Vocabulary

Studying these vocabulary words will be helpful! They make up half of the semester exam!

100 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Mary and Louis Leakey
Discovered evidence in Olduvai Gorge that early hominids could use tools
Donald Johanson
Discovered enough of a skeleton to get a good look at an early hominid
Belief that spirits and forces reside in dreams, animals, and objects
Believing in more than one god
Study of the origins of humans and human society
The skills and tools that people use to meet their basic needs
Paleolithic period
The time period that some scholars claim lasted from 2 million BC to 10,000 BC
Neolithic period
The time period that some scholars claim lasted from10,000 BC to the invention of writing
An early Neolithic village
An early step in the development of writing
Marshy area formed by silt at the mouth of some rivers
Religious figure who introduced the idea of a single wise god to the Persian empire
Rosetta Stone
The key to unlocking the meaning of Egyptian writing and language
Ruler who is thought to have built the Hanging Gardens of Babylon
The Jewish holy day of rest and worship