L201 Exam 1

Terms for L201 Exam 1

117 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Non sequitir
Coming to a conclusion that doesn't follow from the facts or premises one sets out (irrelevant conclusion, "it does not follow")
Bandwagon fallacy
Argument that states we should or should not do something because someone else does or doesn't do it
False analogy
Saying just because something is related in one way means it is like it in another way
Circular reasoning
Taking for granted or assuming the thing you wanted to prove ("you can't give me a C, i'm an A student")
Argumentum ad populum
Argument to the people; an emotional appeal to popular beliefs, values, or wants (just cuz many people believe something doesn't mean it's true tho)
Argumentum ad bacalum
Argument to club; using threats or fear to bolster claim
Argumentum ad hominem
Argument against the man; attacks the speaker not his reasoning
Argument from authority
Relying on the quality of an expert instead of the quality of the expert's argument
False cause
Observing two events and concluding that there is a casual link between them when there is no such link
Gambler's fallacy
Allowing previous outcomes to affect the way you predict future outcome (h, h, h...)
Reductio ad absurdum
Carries an argument to its logical end, without considering whether it is an inevitable or probable result
Appeal to tradition
The way things were done in the past is how they should be done in the future
Lure of the new
We should do/buy something because it's new and improved
Sunk cost fallacy
An attempt to recover invested time, money, and resources by spending more time, money, and resources
A law