The Language of Algebra

Use these flashcards to review/test yourself on the vocabulary for this lesson and FCAT.  As someone asks you the question, write an example on your paper.

17 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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A ________________ expression is combination of numbers and operations.
Numerical Expression
This type of expression uses addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division and is grouped by symbols such as parentheses.
Numberical Expression
I am known as the repeating factor in a power.
I am the number that tells you how many times a base is used as a factor.
This is what you do to an expression to find the number that the expression represents (stands for).
When evaluating expressions with more than one operation, you must follow me to get there, who am I?
Order of Operations
What step am I? Perform operations within grouping symbols.
Step 1
What step am I? Perform all calculations involving exponents.
Step 2
What step am I? Multiply or divide from left to right.
Step 3
What step am I? Add or subtract from left to right.
Step 4
A variable is usually a ___________ that is used to represent a _______________.
Letter; number
A __________ expression is a combination of numbers, operations, and one or more variables (letters). It is also called an algebraic expression.
A ___________ set is the set of numbers that can be substituted for the variable (letter).
The parts of a variable expression separated by addition or subtraction signs are called __________?
A ______________ is the number portion of a monomial in a term.