Learning, Training and Development

Module 7 - Or ganizati

50 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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The discipline of continually clarifying and deepening our personal vision, focusing our energies, developing patience and seeing reality objectively.
Personal Mastery
Made up of three domains: Cognitive, Affective, Psychomotor
Bloom's Taxonomy
Focus is on changing behaviour through the use of reinforcement (and therefore sometimes referred to as reinforcement learning)
Behaviourist (behavioural conditioning)
Pioneered by Jean Piaget, theory focuses on the chronological developmental stages for learning and the mental processes that take place throughout an individual's development from childhood to adulthood
Cognitive Development Theory
Trainer-created, student led methods where there is an experimental and discovery element to the learning that comes from participant involvement.
Theory is based on the notion that some of our behaviour is imitation or modeling of behaviour we have seen in others.
Social Learning
It is the process of determining whether the skills and knowledge needed on the job are in effect being addressed by the training and development program.
Content Validity
Says that learning is made up of four stages (experience, conceptulization, generalization, and experimentation) that form a learning cycle
Kolb's Learning Cycle
Motivation, Reinforcement, Retention and Transference
Four Critical Elements of Learning
Trainer led information seeking technique where participants are presented with situations or questions that lead them to discovering new insights and understanding.
Considered to be a more formal approach to on-the-job training, where there is a structure, time schedules, specified performance and behavioural outcomes associated with the training.
Job Instruction Training
Needs Analysis, Instructional Design, Validation, Implementation, Evaluation and Follow-Up
Steps in the Training Design Process
Examines the environment, strategies and resources of the organization to determine training needs...
Organizational Analysis
It is based on the behaviourist notion that performance is determined by its consequences; and that unsatisfactory behaviour/performance will only improve once the rewards for poor behaviour are removed and positive consequences are developed for satisfactory behaviour.
Contingency Management
Whereby each task or step in performing the job is detailed such that a person who is unfamiliar with it can perform it by following the analysis.
Linear Sequencing