Lecture Quiz/Exam Objections Chapter 3/ Organelles.

Describe and give fun

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Describe and give function of the Plasma Membrane
The plasma membrane separates the cell from its surrounding environment. It is the outer boundary of the cell.
Describe and give function of the nucleus
The Nucleus is a large membranous structure near the center of the cell.
Describe and give function of chromatin
Is a threadlike form of DNA, making up the genetic material in the Nucleus.
Describe and give function of the chromosome
Compact, barlike bodies of chromatin (DNA) that have coiled to form a compact mass during mitosis, or meiosis. each chromosome is composed of regions called genes, each of which transmits hereditary information.
Describe and give function of the nucleolus
Dense, well defined but membraneless body within the nucleus. Critical to protein formation because it "programes" the formation of ribosomes in the nucleus.
Describe and give function of the mitochondria
Composed of microscopic sacs. The wall composed of inner and outer membranes separated by fluis, thousands of patricles make up enzyme molecules attached to both membranes. They are the "power plants" of cells. Produce Energy. Mitochondrial enzymes catalyze series of oxidation reactions that provide most of a cell's energy supply. Each Mitochondion has a DNA molecule, which allows it to produe its own enzymes and replicate copies of itself.
Describe and give function of the endoplasmic reticulum. Also the types.
Endoplasmic reticulum means literally a small network located deep inside the cytoplasm. It consists of membranous, walled canals and flat, curving sacs arranged in parallele rows throught the cytoplasm extended from the plasma membrane to the nucleus. --Proteins move though the canals -----Smooth and Rough. *Smooth- no ribsomes boder membranous wall, More Varied functions. Synthesizes certain lipids and carbs, and creates membranes for use throughout the cell. Also removes and stores calcium ions from the cells interior. *Rough - ribosomes dot outer surface of the membranous walls, and they synthesize proteins which move toward the golgi apparatus and then eventually leave the cell. They funtion in protein Synthesis and intracellular transportation
Describe and give function of the ribosome
Many attach to the rough endo, and many lie free and scattered throughout the cytoplasm. Each ribosome is a nonmenbranous structure made of 2 pieces large and small subunits that are composed of rRNA and protein.
Describe and give function of the Golgi body.
Membranous organelle consisiting of cisternae stacked on one another and located near the nucleous. Processes protin molecules from the ER, and processed proteins leave the final cistena in a vesicle, which then contents may then be secreted to the outside of the cell.
Describe and give function of the lysosome
Made of microscopic membranous sacs that have "pinched off" from the golgi apparatus. They are the cells own digestive system. the enzymes in lysosomes digest the proetin structures of defective cell parts, including plama membrane proteins, and particles that have become trapped in the cell.
Describe and give function of the peroxisome.
Made of microscopic membranous sacs that have "pinched off" from the golgi apparatus. They are the cells own digestive system. the enzymes in lysosomes digest the proetin structures of defective cell parts, including plama membrane proteins, and particles that have become trapped in the cell.
Describe and give function of filaments.
"Cell fibers" are fibers that support the endoplasmic reticulum , mitochondia and "free" ribosomes. Microfilaments are the smallest cell fibers which serve as cellular musles, made of ACTIN protein. they are made of thin, twisted strands of protein molecules that lie parallel to the long axis of the cell. They can aksi cause shortning of the cell by sliding past each other. Intermediate filaments, are twisted protein strands slightly thicker than microfilaments, and form most of the supporting framework in many types of cells.
Describe and give function of the microtubule
Microtubules, are tiny hollow tubes that are the thickest of the cell fibers. They are made of protein subunits arranged in a spiral fashion. Their funtion is to move things around inside the cell, and are made with tubulin protein.
Describe and give function of the centriole
An area of the cytoplasm near the nucleaus that coordinates the building and breaking apart of microtubules in the cell. IT is a nonmembranous structure that is also called the microtubule organizing center. Plays an important role furing cell division. The general location of the centrosome is identified by the centrioules (which produce microtubules)
Describe and give function of the flagellum
Single projection extending from the cell suface simialr to a cilium. The only example in the human body is in the male sperm, which is the tail portion which allows the cell to move.