LFC Final Exam Review

LFC final exam review

30 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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What are the inter-related causes of obesity?
Genetics, sedentary, culture, kcals, portions
What percent fat equals and/or obese?
Men = 12-18% / 22%
Women= 22-28% / 32% (+10%)
What factors have + or - effect on B____ M____ Rate?
Basil Metabolic Rate (BMR)
What body fat "distribution" indicates > risk?
(Apple vs Pear) vs Banana
Banana is the most dangerous.
Weight gain can best be achieved by?
-Eating before sleep-Large calorie intake-Lack of exercise
Metabolic Set Point (Theory) refers to ____?
Body maintains a set weight - change is hard
A quality aerobic workout should burn how many kcals?
200-400 kcals per workout
How fast should weight loss occur to avoid "yo-yo" weight changes?
1/2 lb - 1 lb per week
The Obesity Video identified 2-3 major "truths" regarding nutrition and obesity? Explain?
-Eating before sleep-Total number of fat cells by puberty-Small changes in kcals
Decreasing ________ fat & dietary _______ lowers LDL whereas __________/stop smoking/excess fat weight loss raises HDL!!
saturated/trans fat & dietary cholesterol
whereas physical activity/stop smoking..
Identify the NEW NEW food PYRAMID and the major changes from the original.
Answer 11
What are the AHA guidelines for % calories in the diet from each?
CHO kcals= 45-65%Fat kcals= 20-35%Protein kcals = 10-30=100%
Identify the 3/4 classifications of FAT
Healthiest = mono + polysUnhealthy = animal/saturated + hydrogenated/trans
Know how to read a new food label and to estimate percent of fat kcals!
Fat/total kcals
The new food labels are based upon a daily diet of _____ kcals.