Lilly: Ch. 3 \"Lifespan Considerations\"

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The movement (requiring energy) of a substance between different tissues via pumping mechanisms contained within cell membranes
Active Transport
The passive movement of a substance between different tissues from areas of high concentration to areas of lower concentrations
Someone who is 'elderly' is of what age?
65 and older
A person younger than 1 month of age; newborn infant
A graphic tool for estimating drug dosages using various body measurments
Name for a person who is 12 years of age or younger
The use of many different drugs concurrently in treating a patient, who often has several health problems
The four phases- drug absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion are termed ____
Name the 4 phases of pharmacokinetics
Drug absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion
What percentage of currently approved drugs for adults lack approval for pediatric use by the FDA?
Which trimester is a pregnant mother's fetus at most risk of side-effects due to drugs? During which trimester, does the most mother-taken drugs reach the fetus?
1st Trimester / 3rd Trimester
The factors that contribute to the safety or harm of a drug during pregnancy are dependent on what 3 factors?
Drug Properties / Fetal Gestational Age / Maternal Factors (liver or kidney function, ex)
T/F... a pregnant mother should never use drugs
False. Treatments for hypertension, epilepsy, diabetes, ex.... far outweigh the risks
Category X for pregnancy drugs would be safe or unsafe to fetus? Category A?
Unsafe / Safe
Drug levels in breast milk vs. blood circulation....higher or lower? Dosage for breastfeeding infant is determined by what?
Lower / Volume of consumption