Lilly: Ch. 51 \"Bowel Disorders\"

28 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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______ and diseases associated with it account for 5 to 8 million deaths/yr
Acute diarrhea lasts from ___to ___ and resolves itself. Chronic diarrhea lasts for longer than ____ weeks
3 days to 2 weeks / 3-4 weeks
Often with diarrhea, _____ is the only treatment needed
Replacement of fluids
Antidiarrheals are needed to ____ (4)
Stop stool frequency (slow down), stop cramps, stop weight loss/nutrition deficit, replenish fluids/electrolytes
Pepto Bismol, activated charcoal, aluminum hydroxide are what kind of antidiarrheal? how do they work? Adverse?
Absorbents / Coat walls of GI & bind to bacteria/toxins / Increased bleeding time, Constipation, Confusion, Tinnitus, Metallic taste
Belladonna alkaloids are what type of antidiarrheal? How do they work? Adverse?
Antimobility/Anticholinergic / slows down fecal matter by decreasing intestinal muscle tone/peristalsis / Urine retention, impotence, headache-CNS effects, Dry skin, flushing, blurred vision
Paregoric, opium tincture, codeine, loperamide (Immodium), diphenoxylate are what type of antidiarrheal? How do they work? Adverse?
Antimotility (opiate) / decrease bowel motility/reduces pain of rectal spasms / Drowsy, Dizzy, Lethargy, Nausea, Vomiting, Resp. Depression, Urine retention, flushing
L. acidophilus is what type of antidiarrheal?
Drowsy, Dizzy, Lethargy, Nausea, Vomiting, Resp. Depression, Urine retention, flushing....side effectes of ___
Opiate Antidiarrheals
Urine retention, impotence, headache-CNS effects, Dry skin, flushing, blurred vision....SE of ____
Anticholinergic Antidiarrheal
Increased bleeding time, Constipation, Confusion, Tinnitus, Metallic taste, blue tongue .... SE of ____
Absorbents Antidiarrheal
Digoxin, Quinidine, and hypoglycemic drugs, and Warfarin (inc. bleeding) interact with what type of Antidiarrheal?
Constipation.....symptom or a disease?
Laxative are divided into what 5 types?
Bulk-forming, Emollient, Hyperosmotic, Saline, Stimulant
Pysllium (Metamucil), Methylcellulose (Citrucel) are what type of laxative? How do they work?
Bulk-forming / high fiber, absorb water...bulk distends bowels to initiate reflex activity