Lisa'S EPPP Review - Test 1

EPPP Review cards

359 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Studies of social cognition correlates of aggression in children suggest that their cognitive biases create a:
Self-fulfilling prophecy effect -Crick & Dodge-
Person is reluctant to give poor ratings to subordinates & tends to be unusually easy in ratings. what type of error?
Central tendency - to use the middle of a scale in rating all ratees.
The terms “circumscription” and “compromise” are associated with:
Gottfredson - addresses about how gender and prestige influence and limit career choice.
From an organizational systems approach, positive feedback is most useful as an intervention in order to:
Provide information which helps plan for corrective actions
The Introduction of 2002 Ethical Code
“discusses the intent, organization, procedural considerations, and scope of application of the Ethics Code.”
Super’s theory proposed a five stage model of career development wherein :
People achieve job satisfaction when they are able to express themselves & develop their self-concept through their work roles
Gottfredson’s four stages of cognitive development include:
Orientation to size and power; orientation to sex roles; influence of social class; introspection and perceptiveness
Krumboltz's Social Learning Theory of Career Decision Making includes 4 types of influences on making career decisions:
Genetic charact. & special abilities; envir. conditions & events; learning experiences; performance standards &values. factors can be + or -
Circumscription refers to
Elimination of least prefer options - occurs with childrens awareness of occupat. diff in gender, prestige, &field of work.
Compromise refers to
Expansion of preference in recog. of & accommodation 2 ext. constraints (e.g., level of effort required, accessibility, cost)
Reframing is a technique of structural and strategic family therapy that involves:
Relabeling/ redefining prob. behavior in order 2 get the family 2 see it in a new light. Purpose - increase family compliance with treatment.
A mixed research design
Has at least one between-subjects independent variable and at least one repeated measures variable (or within-subjects variable).
The discrimination hypothesis, frustration theory, and sequential theory are alternative explanations for the
"partial reinforcement effect"
In "partial reinforcement effect" organisms respond for a longer period of time during extinction trials when they were previously reinforced on an :
Intermittent schedule than when they were reinforced on a continuous schedule
Damage to the prefrontal cortex is most likely to impair: working memory, long-term memory, language comprehension or motor functioning?
Prefrontal cortex has been associated with many functions including decision-making, attention, planning, and most recently, working memory