Living Religions - Chapter 8

Chapter 8 examines Judaism beginning with the history of the Jewish people. This section includes central Biblical stories, Return to Jerusalem, Rabbinic Judaism, Judaism in the Middle Ages, Enlightenment, Kabbalah and Hasidism, American Judaism, the Holocaust, and Zionism. The chapter covers religious beliefs and practices in a description of the Torah, sacred practices, holy days, and contemporary Judaism.

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Judaism can best be defined as
both a religious and an ethnic group.
The most sacred part of the Hebrew scriptures is
the Pentateuch.
This word is actually an acronym for the three major divisions of the Hebrew Bible.
Several of the stories presented in the first five books of the Hebrew Bible are similar to earlier Mesopotamian legends. These stories include the Creation, the Garden of Eden, the Great Flood, and
the Tower of Babel.
The first creation story (located in Genesis 1-2:1-4) is thought by many scholars to be written by _________ after the exile of Jews to Babylon.
The first temple was built in Jerusalem by King ___________, giving the Ark of the Covenant a permanent home.
Early prophets such as Elijah focused on the sins of worshipping other gods; later prophets emphasized the impending disastrous results of
social and moral sins.
The northern kingdom of Israel was destroyed by the ____________ around 722 BCE.
In 586 BCE, Solomon's temple in Jerusalem was destroyed by the ______________, and most of Judah's inhabitants were taken captive.
In 164 BCE, this family of priests revolted against the Hellenistic rule of Judea and established an independent Jewish nation that lasted until 63 BCE.
Jews in exile from their homeland probably encountered Zoroastrians. Some scholars believe that Jewish belief in concepts such as ___________ may be Zoroastrian in origin.
reward or punishment in an afterlife final resurrection of the body an immortal soul
The destruction of the second temple in Jerusalem came in 70 CE at the hands of the
Which of the two authorized Talmuds is considered the dominant version in Jewish theology and law?
Jewish mystical traditions are known as
According to Jewish beliefs, what is the one essential commandment?
to love God