Living Religions - Chapter 9

Chapter 9 examines the Christian religion. Topics covered include the Christian Bible, the life and teachings of Jesus, the early church, the Eastern Orthodox Church, Medieval Roman Catholicism, the Protestant Reformation, the Roman Catholic Reformation, the impact of the Enlightenment, the Second Vatican Council, central beliefs, sacred practices, and contemporary trends.

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The gospels of the New Testament were probably first written down in
Greek and Aramaic.
These gospels are known as the “synoptic” gospels because of their similar views of Jesus' career.
Matthew, Mark, Luke
The author of this gospel was probably also responsible for the New Testament book "the Acts of the Apostles."
When this former persecutor of Christians converted to Christianity, he changed his name to
This Roman Emperor saw a vision of a cross, a symbol that he then used in battle. When that battle was won, he initiated a tolerance of Christianity within the Roman Empire.
The early Christian belief that the one God has three aspects---Father, Son, and Holy Spirit---is called the doctrine of the
Although emphasis on Jesus' imminent return diminished as time went by, there is still a belief that Christ will return to judge the living and the dead. This article of faith is called the
Second Coming.
The split between the Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church occurred in ______CE.
The highest officials in Eastern Orthodox churches are known as
Eastern Orthodox worshippers honor writings of the saints in addition to the Bible. The most important of these is a collection called the
The bishop of this city eventually became known as the pope.
Excommunication from the church meant that a person could not
participate in church activities. participate in the sacraments. go to heaven.
The theology behind the Inquisition was partly based on the teachings of ___________, who felt that heretics should be coerced to convert to Christianity for the sake of their own salvation.
Roman Catholic financial activities criticized by Martin Luther as being unbiblical included
sale of relics. indulgences. purchases of masses for the dead.
Ulrich Zwingli was a reformer who also rejected many of the practices of the Roman Catholic churches including
celibacy for monks and priests. veneration of relics and saints. abstaining from meat during Lent.