Lord of the Flies Vocab

Lord. Of. The. Flies. Vocab.

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Crestfallen, adj.
Definition: disappointed or humiliated, especially after being enthusiastic or confident
Derivatives: crestfallenly, crestfallenness
Synonyms: dejected, dispirited
Anyonyms: cheerful, excited
Sentence: The students felt crestfallen to learn they were not getting out early despite the principal's previous announcement.
Croon, v.
Definition: to sing or murmur something in a soft, low voice
Derivatives: -er, -ing
Synonyms: hum, chant, drone
Sentence: Piggy crooned a lullaby to help the littluns fall asleep.
Ebullient. adj.
Definition: lively and enthusiastic
Derivatives: -ly, un-, non-
Synonyms: cheerful, jovial
Antonyms: apathetic, disinterested, serious
Sentence: Jack and his hunters were ebullient after making their first kill.
Enmity, n.
Definition: the extreme ill will or hatred that exists between two enemies
Derivatives: enmities
Synonyms: animosity, hostility
Antonyms: friendship, pleasantness
Sentence: The enmity between Jack and Ralph reached an all time high when Jack formed his own tribe.
Festoon, n.
Definition: an ornamental chain of flowers, leaves, or ribbons hanging in a loop or curve
Derivatives: -ery
Synonyms: garland, wreath
Sentence: Simon, who appreciated the beauty of nature more than any other boy on the island, decided to make a festoon to cure his boredom.
Gesticulate, v.
Definition: to make gestures in an attempt to express something
Derivatives: -ing, -or, -ion
Synonyms: gesture, motion
Antonyms: repose, stillness
Sentence: Ralph often gesticulated whenever he would get into a heated argument with Jack.
Heed, v.
Definition: to give serious attention to a warning or advice
Derivatives: -er, -ed, -ful
Synonyms: listen, mindful
Antonyms: carelessness, disregard, ignore
Sentence: None of the other boys heeded Ralph's warning about their carefree, reckless behavior.
Incredulous, adj.
Definition: unwilling to believe something or completely unconvinced
Derivatives: -ly, -ness
Synonyms: disbelieving, doubtful
Antonyms: convinced, trusting
Sentence: Ralph was incredulous after Samneric implied that the others were going to hunt him down like a pig.
Jeer, v.
Definition: to shout or laugh at somebody or something in a mocking or scornful way
Derivatives: -er, -ingly
Synonyms: mock, taunt, ridicule
Antonyms: compliment, praise
Sentence: The boys would always jeer at Piggy if he tried to speak at an assembly.
Leviathan, n.
Definition: something extremely large and powerful in comparison with others of its kind
Synonyms: giant, monster, beat
Antonyms: dwarf, tiny, miniature
Sentence: The boar that the boys killed was a leviathan compared to the other pigs on the island.
Mimicry, n.
Definition: the imitating of other people