Low Income Families

Facts from my course "Low Income Families" 

44 cards   |   Total Attempts: 185

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Definition of "poverty"
Economic or income deprivation
Low income
The working poor
Why is a family private?
Because every family has its own culture and circumstances
Why is a family public?
Because of policies, programs, cultural norms, and society
How have poverty rates changed over time?
Went down from 1959 to 1973 and then back up in 2000.
Age group with largest number of people in poverty?
Children under 18, mostly in single parent female headed households
Geographical area with highest poverty rate?
Absolute measure of poverty
Doesn't change across time or culture
Relative measure of poverty
Measure relative to a specific society's economic and social situation. Allows for changes over time
Federal Poverty Threshold (absolute)
Est. 1964 by mollie Orchansky.Based on food consumption (1/3 of budget spent on food)Meant to be temporary until you could get out of poverty.Required very diligent food preparation and storageTakes into account earnings, worker's comp, social security, child support, etc as Income
Income defecit
Poverty threshold-family income
Ratio of income to poverty
Income/ poverty threshold
Poverty Guidelines (relative)
Used to determine elegability for government programming.
Criticisms of federal poverty measures
Thresholds are low and do not reflect the current cost of livingfood does not only compromise 1/3 of budgetwhat about cost of childcare, transportation, health care?On the other side of the argument, food stamps and medicaid are not counted
Causes of Poverty
Induividualismculture of povertyfatalismsocial structuralism