02-LRQ: Origins of Life & Intro to Evolution

Biol 2002 LRQ

34 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Natural selection:

is the mechanism responsible for all genetic changes in populations. b. results in the adaptation of populations to their environment.
c. is a random process. d. Choices A & B, but not C.
b. results in the adaptation of populations to their environment.
“Changes in the genetic makeup of a population due to differences among individuals in reproductive output” best defines which of the following concepts?

a. inheritance of acquired characters b.
artificial selection c. natural selection
d. evolution
c. natural selection
Which of the following is NOT part of Darwin's concept of evolution by natural selection?

a. Individuals in a population are variable, and some of this variability is heritable. b. A population is capable of producing more offspring than the environment can support. c. Traits acquired during an individual's life are passed on to its offspring.
d. Those individuals that are best adapted to their environment are more likely to survive and reproduce.
c. Traits acquired during an individual's life are passed on to its offspring.
The camera-type eyes of octopuses are very complicated and have many of the same features as the camera-type eyes of vertebrates. Yet, the eyes of octopuses and vertebrates are not homologous. From this you can conclude that

a. the similarity of eyes in octopuses and vertebrates is not due to common descent.
b. the common ancestor of octopuses and vertebrates had camera-type eyes. c. the camera-type eyes of octopuses are a vestigial trait. d. eyes evolved more recently in invertebrates (including octopuses) than in vertebrates.
A. the similarity of eyes in octopuses and vertebrates is not due to common descent.
The absolute age of fossils can sometimes be determined by dating nearby substrate (rock). This method generally relies on using __________ usually found in __________ rock. The blanks should be filled, respectively, with

a. radioisotopes, igneous
b . radioisotopes, sedimentary c. water, sedimentary d. water, metamorphic
A. radioisotopes, igneous
The set of mammal species currently found on the Philippines is substantially more similar to that of Africa than it is to New Guinea even though the Philippines are much closer to New Guinea than to Africa. This type of observation can be used to study the process of evolution and should be classified into which one of the following categories?

.a comparative anatomy b. comparative embryology c. biogeography d. artificial selection
c. biogeography
Boas and pythons possess rudimentary pelvic and hind limb bones, and whales possess a pelvic girdle without hind limb bones. These structures

a. have forced a re-evaluation of the evolutionary relationships between reptiles and mammals. b. are evidence that evolution of hind limbs has occurred repeatedly and independently in different groups of vertebrates. c. indicate that both groups probably will evolve functional hind legs, although this will require several million years. d. are relics of each group's evolutionary history.
d. are relics of each group's evolutionary history.
Which sequence of evolutionary relationships is consistent with the fossil record (from oldest to most recent)?

a. fishes => amphibians => reptiles => mammals b. fishes => reptiles => amphibians => mammals c. reptiles => amphibians => mammals => fishes d. reptiles => mammals => fishes => amphibians
A. fishes => amphibians => reptiles => mammals
A widely-accepted hypothesis for the evolution of the eukaryotic cell is the ____________ hypothesis.

A. endothermic B. endergonic C. endoplasmic D. endosymbiotic
D. endosymbiotic
The red panda and the giant panda share several morphological traits. Most notably, both have an enlarged wrist bone, the radial sesamoid, that functions somewhat similarly to how a human thumb works. However, our current understanding of the evolutionary history of these two species strongly suggests that they are not closely related and that the overall similarity of the two is not due to common ancestry. The enlargement of the radial sesamoid in both the red panda and the giant panda is therefore most likely an example of __________ produced by __________. The blanks should be filled, respectively, with

A. homology; devolution B. homology; convergent evolution C. analogy; divergent evolution D. analogy; convergent evolution
D. analogy; convergent evolution
Darwin's theory on evolution and Lamarck's theory on evolution both suggest that

A. species do not change. B. the main mechanism of evolution is the inheritance of acquired characteristics. C. the interaction of organisms with their environment is important in the evolutionary process. D. the environment creates favorable characteristics for organisms as they need them.
the interaction of organisms with their environment is important in the evolutionary process.
Which of the following is FALSE regarding the fossil record?

A. There are no known examples of transitional fossils (fossils of organisms that were intermediate between two different types of organisms). B. The fossil record illustrates there have been periods of extinction and periods of diversification of life on Earth. C. In some cases, the age of fossils can be determined by measuring the ratios of different isotopes contained in surrounding rock. D. The fossil record is an incomplete record of life on the planet.
A. There are no known examples of transitional fossils (fossils of organisms that were intermediate between two different types of organisms).
Which of the following elements of Darwinism is associated with Thomas Malthus?

A. favorable variations accumulate in a population after many generations of being perpetuated by natural selection B. differential reproductive success C. the potential for population growth to exceed what the environment can support D. species become better adapted to their local environments through natural selection
C. the potential for population growth to exceed what the environment can support
The "RNA World" hypothesis concerning the origin of life is supported by

A. the fact that all existing bacteria use RNA, not DNA, as their hereditary molecule. B. directed evolution experiments that show that RNA can be artificially selected to catalyze certain biochemical reactions.
C. the demonstrated ability of RNA molecules to spontaneously create protobionts. D. the high concentration of abiotically-created RNA molecules around hydrothermal vents.
B. directed evolution experiments that show that RNA can be artificially selected to catalyze certain biochemical reactions.
Consider the quote "Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution." What is meant by this statement?

A. All aspects of biology deal with the products of the evolutionary process. B. Biological evolution is the only area in biology to form a bridge to the other sciences. C. Evolution was the first organized area of study within biology. D. We know much more about biological evolution than any other area in biology.
A. All aspects of biology deal with the products of the evolutionary process.