Macroeconomics Final

This set of flash cards will help me prepare for my Macroeconomic Final. Also, I plan to keep study these flash cards until I can recall what each one is.

17 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

Cards In This Set

Front Back
Aggregate demand
The total demand for goods and services in the economy.
Demand-pull inflation
Inflation that is initiated by an increase in aggregate demand.
Cost-push inflation
Inflation caused by an increase in costs.
Sticky wages
The downward rigidity of wages and an explanation for the existence of unemployment.
Phillips Curve
A curve that shows the relationship between the inflation rate and unemployment rate.
Non accelerating Inflation Rate of Unemployment; a method of calculating both the unemployment and inflation rate.
Stabilization policy
Discusses monetary and fiscal policy and its goals which are to smooth out fluctuations in output and employment and to keep prices as stable as possible.
Time lags
Delays in the economy's reponse to stabilization policies.
Recognition lags
The time it takes for policy makers to recognize the existence of a boom or a slump.
Implementation lag
The time it takes to put the desired policy in effect once economists and policy makers recognized that the economy is in a boom or a slump.
Response lag
The time that it takes for the economy to adjust to the new conditions after a new policy is implemented.
Absolute advantage
The advantage in the production of a good enjoyed by one country over another when it uses fewer resources to produce that good than the other country does.
Comparative advantage
The advantage in the production of a good enjoyed by one country over another when that good can be produced at lower cost in terms of other goods than it could be in the other country.
Trade Barriers
Take many forms, but its main forms are tariffs, export subsidies and qutoas.
A tax on imports.