Major Eras in the U.S.

Importants Events in the U.S. from 1861 - 1969

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Civil War & Reconstruction
During 1861 through 1877, the United States split up into two opposing territories, the Union and the Confederacy. The war lasted for four years and eventually the Union won. The reason for the war was the different opinions of slavery as well as other laws and disagreements. After the war, the Union helped rebuild the south and helped their economy and their government. Although slavery was never quite eradicated, the majority of it was stopped.
The Gilded Age
From 1877 to 1898,this was the time after the Civil War and Reconstruction, where the U.S. diversified from immigration, and expanded itself through economical, industrial, territorial, and political powers.
Progressive Era
During the time of 1898 to 1914, citizens became known as progressives, which sought change in all policies at all levels of society, economy and governmental. It was a period of reform and new ideas.
World War I
The war lasted from 1914 to 1919.It was between the Allied Powers and the Central Powers. The main cause of World War I was the assasination of the Franz Ferdinand, the Archduke of Austria Hungary. The assasination was conducted by Serbia, who was allies of Russia and Germany. The United States and Great Britian were allies with Austria Hungary. The was ended with the Treaty of Versailles, with the Allied Powers on top.
Jazz Age
An era during 1920 through 1929,it was a time where the U.S. was over prospering and having humongous success with everything. Then on October 29, 1929, the stock market crashed sending millions of Americans homeless, and without a job or money.
Great Depression
During 1930 to 1941, the Great Depression was a time of sadness, and depression. Most of the population ran out of money, lost their jobs, and became homeless. Although the two presidents of that time period tried their hardest to get out of the Great Depression, it was impossible for them to do that. After a couple of years, the economy slowly rebuilt its economy and people started to get re-employed. Some of the main reasons this happened where the automobile industry, and all of the parts needed to manufacture them.
World War II
Through 1941 to 1945, Germany's dictator Adolf Hitler started the Holocaust and the attempt to try and take over the world, or all of the territories around Germany. After Germany built up its army, they conquered many territories, until Great Britian held them. The United States an d France came to help and defeated the Germans.
Cold War
During the Cold War (1945-1992), was the period of time after world war II when communism was a constant threat to non-comunist nations. One war that resulted in this was the Vietnam war when America fought with South Vietnam to try and contain communism.