Mammalogy Test 1 Set Bio 548 UMASS

Questions about mammalogy, Bio 548 from lecture notes

70 cards   |   Total Attempts: 183

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What is the taxonomic hierarchy?
Kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species
A group of potentially interbreeding natural populations that are capable of producing viable, fertile offspring is ____.
A species
________ is the evolution of a new species. It is a population level process that begins with the isolation of a small number of individuals from the larger population of a species.
______ is a method used to reconstruct relationships among species based on nested sets of shared derived characteristics.
What are the 2 main assumptions when determining how to create a cladogram?
1-speciation is a branching (splitting) process2-the best explanations for evolutionary change are the most parsimonious.
What is the 1st step in making a cladogram?
Find a group you are interested in
What is the 2nd step in making a cladogram?
Select characters that vary among species and go to an out-group to compare.
What is the 3rd step in making a cladogram?
Collect information on characters for all taxa.
What is the 4th step in making a cladogram?
Search for the most parsimonious cladogram.
What is a plesiomorphy?
A primitive character
What is a symplesiomorphy?
A shared primitive character.
What is an apomorphy?
A derived character.
_________ is a shared derived character.
______ is a derived character in a single species.
If a characteristic evolved from a common ancestor, it evolved this way...