Management Information System Test 1


18 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Information System
Group of components (5) that interact to produce information. (Hardware,Software, Data, Procedures,People)
Information technology
Products, methodsm inventions, and standards that are used for the purpose of producing information. IT pertains to the hadware, software, and data components. Drives the deleopment of new information sustems.
Moore's Law
Law created by Gordon Moorestatinf the number of transistors per squeare inch on an intergrated chip doubles every 18 months.
Strong Password
Has the following characteristics: Has seven or more characters, does not contain user name, real name or company name, dictionary word. Is different from previos passwords, contains both upperand lowercase letters, mumbers, and special characteristics.
Business Process
Network of activites, roles, resources, repositories and data flows that interact to accomplish a business function.
Collection of related tasks that receive inputs and process those inputs to produce outputs
Question that can be answered yes or no
Set of procedures
People, facilities, or computer programs that are assigned to roles
Collection of business records
Data Flows
Movements of data item from one activity to another activity or to a repository
Knowledge derived from data
Characteristics of Good Information
-Accurate:based on correct and complete data, and it has been processed correctly as expected
-Timely Information: information that is produced in time for its intended us
-Relevant: information that directly pertains to both the context and to the subject it references
-Just barley sufficient information that is sufficient for the purpose for which it is generated, but only so.
-Worth its cost
Value Chain
Network of value-creating activites that consists of 5 primary activites and four support activities.
Self describing collectoin of integrated records.