Mass Comm & Theory Midterm

Mass Comm &am p; Theor

39 cards   |   Total Attempts: 182

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Any organized set of concepts, explanations, and principles of some aspects of human experience
A view of what is knowable or a view of the nature of reality
A view of how knowledge is created or expanded
Defines the proper role of values in research and theory building. It seeks to limit the influence of the researcher
Theory based on empirical observations guided by the scientific method. Believes that human behavior is sufficiently predictable
Hermeneutic Theory
The study of understanding especially by interpreting action and text
Social Hermeneutics
Theory seeking to understand how those in an observed social situation interpret their own lot in that situation
Critical Theory
The goal is to gain knowledge of the social world in order to change it. Seeks emancipation and change in a dominant social order
In critical theory, the social world's rules, norms, and beliefs
In critical theory, how humans behave and interact within an structure
In critical theory, the ongoing struggle between agency and structure
Normative Theory
Explains how a media system should operate in order to conform to or realize a set of ideal social values
Describes something that can be verified or approved or disproved by scientific observation
Macroscopic Theory
Attempts to explain effects at the cultural or societal level
Microscopic Theory
Attempts to explain personal effects at the individual level